This month I had the honor of speaking with St. Pius parishioner Terry Nielsen. I had met him casually through his service to the parish and him stopping by our office, but this was the first time I had a chance to meet with him one on one and listen to his story. His name came up with the staff for this Work of Mercy because they had heard him tell stories about being a police officer and knew already some of his stories of mercy.
One thing that struck me about Terry was something Terry said off the camera He mentioned how normal it was for him to be around those who were in prison since he lived in the jail with his brother, a sheriff, who had adopted him as a young boy. Terry would take prisoners their food. As he described his level of ease working with people who, in societies mind, warranted some level of caution to be around, it occurred to me that God had shaped Terry for his service from a very young age. This was his charsim, his gift, his ministry and God was preparing him all through his life.
This month I encourage us all to not only bear wrongs patiently, but also see how God has been forming us from the beginning to be an example of mercy. What gifts do you already posses that incline you to mercy? When we recognize our God given gifts, it can surprise us to see how natural mercy can be.
God bless!
Blogger: Emily Schmid, SPX Staff
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