This month I had the pleasure of interviewing Phil McGrath on the subject of welcoming the stranger. Phil heads the Greeter and Newcomer Ministries at St. Pius and is a staple here known for his smile, strong hand shakes, and most importantly, his jokes.
Phil is typically the first person you meet at St. Pius and his charisma is infectious. You often leave an encounter with Phil feeling good about yourself. This welcoming nature of Phil's truly is a charism, his gift from God to serve. What is most impressive about Phil is how empowering he is for others. He directs the conversation to be about the other and he listens to what people say. He compliments and remembers not only their name but facts about them with his amazing memory! Phil provides assurance to others that they are valuable and worthwhile to the parish.
After talking with Phil I reflected on how often I say hello to others and learn their names. Some days I feel like I want to isolate myself from others, just come to church, do my duty as a good Catholic, and then leave. But Phil encourages us to do more, because, as Phil points out, when we are a welcoming parish, people contribute and then the parish grows. When people are empowered, when they feel important, then they have the confidence to share their gifts to the parish, not just monetarily but with their time and talent as well. How amazing it is to have a parish full of life and vitality, where we build each other up to create a strong Body of Christ!
It is easy for us to get into the habit of isolating ourselves at church, in public, and even in our families, but maybe we need to consider how we reach out to others every day, even in the small ways. How can you welcome someone today? How can you empower someone today? How you can build up the Church of Christ in the world?
God bless =)
Guest Blogger: Emily Schmid
SPX Music Ministry/Adult Faith Coordinator
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