Friday, July 15, 2016

Parishioner Highlight of the Month: Give Drink to the Thirsty

During the month of July, St. Pius chose to focus on the Corporal Work of Mercy: Give Drink to the Thirsty.  You could say this was done intentionally since July is known for being one of the warmest months of the year here in Iowa (and the most humid).  We are thankful in Iowa that our drinking water is safe and drinkable and that there is a lot of it! For this reason, we chose to highlight one of our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Andrew, who on a spiritual level, "Gives Drink to the Thirsty." 

Andrew shares how he sees in the faces of those who come to him for communion an appreciation for the mercy of God.  He sees distributing the body and blood of Christ as an opportunity to share Christ's love for the world; he is literally giving them Jesus! Andrew also recognizes the hope and grace that comes through receiving the Eucharist which is why he chose to serve the church through this ministry.

Thank you Andrew, for your example of mercy in our parish! 

Guest Blogger
Emily Schmid, St. Pius X Staff

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